About Us
At Game Site Templates you find quality design templates for games and all kind of gaming related websites.
Our web templates are made by professional designers and made to meat the latest web standards and trends.
The goal with Game Site Templates is to provide high quality designs to very affordable prices so that creative people
with new ideas easily can realize thier ideas and take part in the growing entertainment industry.
Game Site Templates designers work hard to make sure that you have a wide range of outstanding designs to choose for
your game or game website project. What before was a rare technical ability for big companies or tech people is now accessible
right in front of you. With or Wordpress and phpBB Game website solution you can run manage your game website.
It's finally made easy and cost effective. What ever your are making a website for your game, or a clan website or guild website,
or any other type of game related webiste such game communities you will find a template that suit your needs at GameSiteTemplates.com
Your are just a click away from having your own professional game website!
GameSiteTemplates.com is affilated with HostGameSite.com and GameSiteAds.com
With our affilates you can get your game website hosted and setup and make your game website profitable using advertisment from games.
If you want to know more about Game Site Templates or have any questions regarding our products, you are welcome to Contact Us.
We are always looking out for new talented designers, and your are welcome to apply for an Artist Account.