Mega War Wordpress Theme

Mega War Wordpress Theme
Mega War Wordpress ThemeMega War Wordpress ThemeMega War Wordpress Theme


Product Information

Wordpress is a free CMS/blog that can be installed directly from cpanel on your web host.

This cool fantasy Wordpress Theme can be used for any type of game website. This fantasy wordpress theme have a 
beautiful color theme and great custom graphic details
and can easily be edited and managed.

The logo for this theme is editable!

This Wordpress theme is related to:
Heroes of Storm Template, Leauge of Legends wordpress theme, Heros of the Storm website, Fantasy gaming blog, Warcraft wordpress theme, Browsergame Wordpress Theme, Elves Wordpress Theme, Indie game website template, 

Files Included:
Wordpress theme files and Photoshop header, logo and background file.

Product CodeGAMWL20B98

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